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tv   Headline News  RT  June 17, 2014 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the deal sang i and the rest until you meet a little baby a briefly. breaking news on our t.v. the head of the main hospital in new down's confirms a russian reporter has died during surgery after sustaining grave injuries during the shelling of a village in east ukraine you're watching the last footage he shot during the assault. washington sends troops to iraq sunni extremists move ever closer to the capital after seizing several other key cities. also this hour british activists condemn a proposed law that would see some hikers jailed for life and could also punish whistleblowers.
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live from our new center in moscow twenty four hours a day welcome i'm you know neal our top story this hour the head of the main hospital in lugansk has confirmed a russian journalist has died after being caught up in violence in eastern ukraine a crew from the to see a t.v. channel were hit during the army's continued shelling of a village near the city of lookouts you're watching last footage the journalist managed to film during the assault let's get more on the story from. who is in the region for us from on welcome what do we know at this stage regarding what occurred . well first of all this information has already been confirmed not just by the doctor. but they receive the channel themselves as well and apparently that's the name of the journalist he was a rushed into the emergency room and where he had died during the operation as
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a result of his wounds that early reports suggested that he was severely wounded as a result heavy artillery shelling in the little village. which is in the suburbs. gone scans he had said to colleagues with him an entire filming crew and one of them on the last and it's so far known and we are waiting to get confirmation on that information he is the sound engineer meanwhile another man another member of the crew the camera man he's apparently safe and sound and i believe right now we are looking at the footage the very last step but it's all the crew of the guns just before the shelling began the camera man was apparently about one hundred meters away from where the shell hit the russian a camera crew and they were among the locals who wanted to be there as well
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and this is not so the first journalist a media casualty here in eastern ukraine i think i believe about a month ago and italian photo journalist was killed as a result of a shelling along with his russian along with his a russian called as well and of course earlier a rupture the video agency producer was also hit and old the one thing in common with all these casualties is that all the journalists were clearly marked press and media and they were direct hits into them resulted in. it's very very dangerous to be working in these east of ukraine right now as a journalist especially. if you're russian we'll get more details for you as to what is happening with the lawson and his camera as soon as we get it. with news of yet more death in the region artie's from on crossfire. well to all the russian
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journalists released from detention in ukraine say they were beaten and threatened with execution the person two days in captivity after they were arrested at a checkpoint here's how they described their ordeal. most. of you know we were stopped at a national guard checkpoint and asked to get out of the car and show our i.d.'s when they saw our russian passports and found out that we were members of the t.v. channel they changed their faces they started joking that they'd caught a goldfish or won the jackpot they forced us into a car and we were taken away covered and eventually we were pushed into some basement at gun point different people were coming to us threatening us they promised to shoot us and bury us in the field they said they hated russia and would do everything not to let us go a long life then we would drags out of the cell and force into a car we were beaten by rifle butts so yet more journalists are getting caught up
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in the conflicts crossfire but the situation is even worse for locals who have no way of fleeing the war zone. this is the air raid siren over looked down square people had to spend another night in their basements hiding from the renewed army shelling of the suburbs the city of trauma torso target of kiev's crackdown also came under attack self-defense forces claim it doesn't have been killed there in the last twenty four hours alone these are the latest pictures from neighboring sloviansk as you can see residential areas have been heavily damaged by shelling almost half of the population has fled the city but those who've stayed alive live under constant threat of attack. he's put out these are not a lot of them but. now that he is they are fun you know obviously got a good run but well you know he if he she can thank you. for watching you
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know when you go to put in you know what's to be continued you know which. is kind of door your duty. kind of news yes and but still i think our computer due to. the eighteen of monitors from the organization for security and cooperation in europe is still missing in eastern ukraine they were reportedly detained by armed groups last month we spoke to one member of the sea in ukraine anyone holding them should come forward with information and holding our monitors who are nutro objective observers serves nobody's purpose and it actually hinders our operations so we do hope they are released as soon as possible in donetsk and we poured it on the weekend in our spot report that heavy fighting has caused damage to the water pipeline north of the next city and it's very serious in the sense that if it isn't repaired soon it could cause water shortages too with the one million inhabitants of donetsk city and possibly three million more in the all blas so we do understand
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work is underway to repair it but because of fighting it has been interrupted. now from minute to minute all dates on ukraine's ongoing crisis to go on line to r.t. dot com. europeans are facing a potentially tough winter ahead the use energy commissioner has warned they could be affected after russia cut off gas supplies to ukraine now the concern is that kiev may start siphoning off fuel from transit pipelines running to europe artie's peter all of our reports for us from berlin ukraine is the main point of transit at the moment the getting gas into europe and many european nations rely on russian gas as either their main or in some cases their only source of energy supplies is siphoned off well it can have noted fact as it has in the past when ukraine's being cut off and they start to take that gas they did it in two thousand and six last time was in two thousand and nine seventeen countries here in europe reported
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shortages ates were completely without any gaps amongst those the most worst affected countries like bulgaria and slovakia we saw real problems there when it came to teaching to industry that was pretty much shut down so it is a big deal if you crane starts to take this gas that is destined for europe since it's being cut off for the failure to pay its bills to create does take this gas it could have huge repercussions for those who have paid their bills in europe. coming up this hour facing jail time for revealing the truth british activists on the alarm over a proposed law aimed at malicious hackers which could target whistleblowers to. on air and in the financial their own. developments happening on stocks that
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actually take you know demand for credit. and like there are now about. choose your language. because we can with know if you're going to. choose good music consents to. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact your. choose the access off. certainly tony blair has benefited from war and deaths and he totally destroyed iraq and. he's calling for a rainy iraq and i did a little back of the elation i figured that for every dead u.k. soldier in iraq it all had about twenty five thousand pounds to tony blair's
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retirement. welcome by a recap of our breaking news story the head of the main hospital in lugansk house confirms a russian journalist has died after being caught up in violence in eastern ukraine a crew from the to see a t.v. channel was hit during the army's continued shelling of a village near the city of lookouts reporter. in surgery his fellow camera months five but a third crewmember is yet on accounted for you're watching the last footage the journalist to film during the assault. american troops are going back to iraq the u.s. is sending up to two hundred seventy five personnel to protect its embassy staff and assets there is since large parts of the country fell into the hands of the extremist group known as isis the islamic state of iraq and. these shaded areas on
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the map are areas where that you have a star in full or even partial control president obama sees the troops remain in place until the situation improves washington is also considering teaming up with a run on launching drone strikes against the insurgents on monday isis released these photos apparently showing mosques executions of iraqi soldiers the country's chief military spokesman said the pictures are authentic and sure on one hundred seventy soldiers being killed however the group claims it's executed ten times that number is going to check our reports the growing might have to harvest in iraq is provoking a strong reaction from the u.s. washington is now pondering over how to bomb iraq in such a way as to not provoke a backlash after all the crises there has a strong signal terry and background with the militants being sunni muslims so what's your response to airstrikes just aren't the answer here well look the whole answer but they may well be one of the options that are important to be able to
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stem the tide and stop the movement of people who are moving around in open convoys and trucks interesting people the sectarian component in iraq's crises is already traditional alliances iran wants to cooperate with the u.s. to assist iraq's shia government washington's ally saudi arabia on the other hand warns against any foreign interference and made reports that wealthy sunni donors in saudi arabia kuwait and carter have been funding militants from the islamic state of iraq and syria the us is allied with all the gulf countries that are supporting the sunni rebels in syria that are supporting them in iraq this. it's an old problem with the isis militants grew out of the six carrying boy in iraq which started after the u.s. and u.k. invasion in two thousand and three today some of the politicians who made the decision to invade are anxious to wash their hands of blame the u. case tony blair wrote we have to liberate ourselves from the notion that we have
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caused this we have it the sunni extremists now control vast areas in iraq including the city itself to create as well as mosul the second largest these cities which have been battered by the decade long war looked very different before the u.s. and u.k. invasion. in two thousand and two i was in mosul in the northern city that has been now seized by the rebels the sunni revolt at that time in two thousand and two mostly low and i was greeted by people in mosul they were christians they were sunni arabs shiite arabs and they were kurds they were a tapestry they were around the multinational multicultural communities of iraq at that time and they were living in peace today they are divided along sectarian lines because of an outside invasion washington is now divided between those who oppose any u.s. military intervention in iraq and those who say something has to be done the consequence is simply the way. in baseball or rather through our brains to this day
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officials on both sides of a planet say they don't own iraq's problems and they don't want to become the government they're pushing the militants out however many experts agree if their return i will only be a matter of time or in washington i'm kind of like ground zero where now isis emerged in iraq right after the u.s. led invasion and pledged its allegiance to al qaida although the groups later became rivals it is fueled a sectarian bloodshed in the country and proclaimed an independent islamic states spawning iraq syria lebanon palestine and jordan isis has thrived during the ongoing war in neighboring syria after getting access. money and arms flowing into the hands of the rebels there. after growing into a huge force the group is marching on the very heart of iraq let's take a look at earlier this month the militants captured mosul thought was a key victory but isis continued to press sites along the main highway towards
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baghdad earlier today at least forty four people were killed in clashes between the army and insurgents just sixty kilometers from the capital in baquba political analyst edmund ghareeb sees that the ploy meant of u.s. troops there means america is determined to prevent the government from falling i think part of this is also. to protect u.s. facilities that you see but also to send a clear signal the united states could play a role in helping the iraqi government but the kind of help that we have been hearing about there is a little bit different this would be for you us unilaterally uses or they are forced to attack the forces of islamic state in syria and iraq also uses the drones to attack these forces and opposition opponents of the iraqi government and i think to a large extent you have to go back to the two thousand and three war and i said an assertion that run iraq for governments that were put in charge i think have to
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bear huge responsibility for the disaster that we have seen in iraq since that time . just before i launched its offensive and iraq's northern released a propaganda video aiming to lure in new recruits the video is titled the clanging of the swords park for it's an hour long and for some very graphic scenes it shows so what is being executed cars and passers by gunned down in tanks being blown up as well the footage has been removed from you tube multiple times but it's being repeatedly offloaded from different accounts political analyst believes videos like this are sending shock waves not just across iraq but the entire middle east is. one brutalized secondly of course is well they're well used to social media and terms of projects and cells but the fact that in addition to the view you know talking about the airports they know which way the executions and saying i've killed the gold you know that is going to backfire in terms of across the region as
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i say. the neighboring governments all road will be very about what is happening you know very keen whatever the past the fences will be have been the maliki government to buttress the maliki government against this against isis because his goal major repercussions with centuries for talking for iran and every other country in the region this really army says it has arrested forty more palestinians in the west bank bringing the total number of detained to over two hundred it's part of an ongoing hunt for three missing jewish teenagers israel's warplanes also struck several sites in sign responding to a rocket launched from the strip with me now is dr ahmed yousef he is the top political adviser to hamas prime minister israel. how the yet the let's just start off israel accuses hamas of kidnapping these. it's widening the search israel must have a reason for this or. this is
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just claiming that time as a resting orchid not being kidnapped those three settlers. some of them soldiers all in the age that they should be recruited by the army nobody claimed responsibility until now hamas has no thing to say until now we had any and all the israeli intelligence information doesn't to prove. any solid or tangible proof so they have these what they call a massive database they could act down on a mass something like a collective punishment something inconceivable it's sound like there is very they don't care about these three settlers but they care about how they undermined the mass in that which day after we have these transitions government or the
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consolidation policy that equals sally over to is that idea trying to sabotage what we has what we have achieved actually in the last couple of months while the palestinian information ministry accuses israel of inflicting a quote collective punishment on its people isn't it justified after the kidnapping of teenagers to do this. but there is no there is no proof that anybody from the palestinian resistance movement had anything to do with these until we have a solid evidence then that we can justify some of these is that the. massive the what the out of trying to do to. those settlers but until now there is no singular proof that they have any intelligence informed information that will lead to one of those people in those people being accused from how much
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so until now this is something inconceivable and just justifiable and actually the world community should condemn this is that i crack down on hamas or massive again it's ok to mission diplomats. this is something i don't have any. insight for that but let's get information directly from you then hamas has neither claim nor denied responsibility for the abduction what does that actually mean so that again i don't understand well hamas if neither claim nor did denied responsibility for the up to auction what does not mean directly from you. that's mean that we have no information actually who who has who is behind these things nobody from him as having any information that could lead to what he could not do
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those three said to us unfortunately this those people has been the west bank and anything like this could have been days of eighty's they have the security responsibility not the palestinian if anything like this happen that is the way we should be questioning their security not having a message out of this and to try to having a collective punishment against all the palestinian bank more than seven hundred thousand people. and being now under siege and nobody actually from the warden community trying to book a anything actually to. accuse is right is doing something against international law this is a violation for the right not you know ringing in most of the four let me ask you something else then hold on one second just finally because he has really come it is reportedly considering measures like deporting senior hamas members and
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demolishing their homes do you think it's going to go that far. yeah but this is on which bases. we're actually. taking some of those people belong to hamas and dig them deport them to god. this is as good as the international law there is no basis for the all the people who. are civilian. and clearly and the mission and teenager so in which raises the israeli will do something like this this is again is that international law should be condemned by the international community ok we appreciate getting your input this our top political adviser to prime minister dr ahmed yousef we thank you. the british government is pushing for a new law that would see malicious hackers jailed for life but activists say the cyber terrorism bill could also be used against online whistleblowers polly porker has the story in today's digital age committing
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a serious cyber crime could land you america sentence and the serious crime bill proposed in the queen's speech computer hackers who launched devastating attacks on u.k. infrastructure could soon face life behind bars a single attack can have such a dramatic effect let's just imagine a scenario where we go in the electricity for a week and the impact that would have had no lights no power to do engineering on manufacturing business or to you know for people to boil water you know to sterilize baby feeding equipment that actually has a tangible effect on people's daily existence and actually worse case scenario on people's very very lives at the moment impairing a computer as it's written in law carries a maximum ten year sentence according to ministers that's disproportionate to the potential damage a malicious hacker could wreak but computer security experts have questioned what
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cyber terrorism really means and whether the term could be used. prosecute citizens who try to whistle blow on the government or a company are you honestly think if you if you're hacking in order to harm life then there will be sentences already available for the computers of more central to us. that might mean that people can do more harmful things but things that we have to publish them for all the results you know if you killed people have you attempted to done damage property or disrupt the capital's transport those are concrete tank columns and either trying to do those things or actually doing them that's what people should be sentenced for benevolence security researchers are also concerned that work often involves behaving like hack has with the intention of finding vulnerabilities on a website and exposing cyber risk but according to this proposed law even those working for the common good of the internet could end up behind bars so you feel
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a major threat here is if somebody is simply trying to reverse engineer a site maybe see that show that it doesn't properly secure and that people shouldn't trust it and that the operators need to sort themselves aren't those the kinds of problems where people can to face computer misuse charges without really having done anything wrong. ok let's return to ukraine where a transit gas pipeline to europe has exploded near the eastern ukrainian city of witnesses say the flame reached two hundred meters into the year the natural gas pipeline which is the biggest consumer pipeline in europe is about one kilometer away from the area no injuries have been reported so far on the cause of the explosion is currently on clear just remind you the leader of ukraine's new nazi right sector group has previously threatened to blow up gas pipelines following the
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coup in kiev. ok after the break is europe's central bank doing enough to drag the continent out of its economic gloom boom bust is coming your way. recently four hundred high level russian officials including duma members were someone for a three day military training event that would include the use of various different weapons and lectures about state of the russian military the stated objective of all of this was to make the average soldiers in the army aware of the patriotic attitudes of those who can order them off to fight in theory this is a good idea but the reality is this kind of reeks that sweet stench of an empty p.r. stunt this is not nearly enough to convince the average grunt that the guys in power care about him as far as i understand it in the military they want to push people to break down their psychology and boot camp so they can make new better tougher
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more patriotic people and obedient ones as well this sort of cutesy to weaken camp will not have any psychological effect these politicians and to be honest i think bureaucrats the world over have it too easy their lives are too comfortable haeckel the duma deputies have these nice leather chairs and they have gold watches and assistance and all that stuff i think that if the duma deputies had to suffer through a military hell for one month out of the year the corrupt comfort obsessed weaklings might get squeezed out of the system this training for the elite is a good idea but it needs to be done right and brutal but that's just my opinion.
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no there i'm aaron a that this is boom bust and these are some of the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up the e.c.b. announced some drastic measures today what are they and how effective it will they be we'll look into a coming right up then we have dr thomas kelly live and in studio today dr polly is sitting down with me to discuss the e.c.b. his announcement as well as keynesianism in the context of the world of monetary policy domination of who and in honor of the one year anniversary of edward snowden
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the n.s.a. revelations we have lived our lives and on the show today i sat down with all of our earlier today to discuss how the government bullied him into installing surveillance equipment on the servers which ultimately force of the shutdown is company not cool you won't want to miss a moment and it all starts right now. we've been anticipating this all week and it's now finally happened the european central bank has introduced a number of different measures aimed at stimulating the eurozone economy measures like negative interest rates and cheap long term loans to banks now the u.c.b. credits deposit rate for banks from his.


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